Dear Yogafriends,
as we had so bad IT problems with our Benelux - Shop, we forwarded you to our german shop.
You can have a look on our Props without registering. For orders you need to register again.
I'm sorry for this inconvenience.


We offer a wide and highgraded sortiment of aids for your daily yoga practising


Mats, Bolsters, Bricks, Belts, Ropes, Blankets, Shoulderstandsupports, Sandbags etc. and the complete range of highgraded wooden props, like big and small Backbenders or for example a Punehorse - crafted from beechwood - and with a closed surface by a biological oil. We have everything for beginner and advanced yoga practioneers.


YogamattenBackbender kleinYogapolster flachYogadecke BelgienYogabelts PoonaSandsäcke 10kg
YogasetsBricks Ropes ShoulderstandHealthDiverse
Yogaset komplett Yogaklotz Multiplex  Schulterstandblock Augensäckchen SamtMattenbeutel


If you miss something or if you have questions according our products please give us a call or write a mail. We'll do our best to contact and help you a soon as we can. We give special discount for certified yogateachers, yogacenters und fitnessstudios. Delivery inside Germany for a lumpsum of 8,60 ¤ up to 30 kg.

Our Hotline

If you have questions or you want to give us advice on props, just give us a call.
Hotline:   0180 - 477 677 4 - 0,20 ¤ per call -
(reachable from 8:00-20:00)

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