Unsere Marken

Yoga Props® ist unsere Marke. Sie erkennen  uns an dem Yogi in Virabhadrasana – der Krieger Stellung. Yoga Props®, einfach und klar: wir bieten Yogahilfsmittel die Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Yogapraxis unterstützen. Wir wissen, dass Yoga hilft, es entspannt und erfrischt und unterstützt Ihre Gesundheit. Außerdem fordert Yoga Sie heraus und macht nebenbei auch noch Spaß. Wir wollen dazu beitragen.

Our vision is that the old Indian tradition has unlimited potential also for you. A lot of yoga exercises are accessible and fun and thus their benefits are within reach. However there may also be many exercises that seem almost impossible for you to do. Do not worry, with the help of Yoga Props those poses will come within your reach also.

Many of the Yoga Props have been developed as a result of the excellent study, practice and work of Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar. He himself deepened his own practice by using props. In those early days, we are back now in the 1930’s, those props would be stones and bricks. Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar further developed and improved the props when he realized how they could be of assistance to help people that were ill or had health problems and could no stay in the poses to experience the positive effects.

... „By using a few simple props, students with different capabilities can gradually build up strength, confidence and flexibility without the threat of strain or injury.”
(Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar in a Path to Holistic Health)

Beside our own brand we‛ll offer other brands in the near future. We keep you informed.


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